Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A Satisfied Man

This Tedx Talk by Stephen Kellogg just popped up when I clicked on You Tube today.  Stephen is a singer/songwriter speaking on what seems like an odd topic for him, job satisfaction.  As he references in his talk, he's doing what he loves, but he still deals with the same issues that we all deal with in our jobs.  Or our search for the "right" job.  It's a real simple sounding talk, but really powerful at the same time.  He reduces the idea of loving your work down to a few simple rules, and they make a lot of sense.  Even the really big cliche of thinking that "the grass is always greener somewhere else," he explains the truth behind it.

My real struggle my entire life has been to find and actually do the work I feel is important in the world.  I've had dream jobs, and I've had really boring jobs and really hard physical jobs.  The weird thing is that there were parts I liked about every job, and parts I didn't like.  From working at a magazine and on the crew of a hit TV show to panhandling for food money on an off ramp, I've found both joy and sorrow in every situation.  Stephen's talk really puts all this in perspective.  If you don't love your work, take 18 minutes and listen to what Stephen Kellogg has to say.  This is one of those talks that I think everyone can relate to in some way.  He ends with a song which provides the title of this blog post.  I won't totally give it away.  But it comes down to this: are you a satisfied person at the end of each day?  If not, what would it take to be one?   

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